Click on the zone to view the zone name, current avalanche danger, and a link to the full avalanche forecast.
Here are some additional tips for using the map:
Search for a Location
Enter a location in the search bar. Locally-named features or areas may not give results, but many peaks, drainages, trailheads, and towns will appear. Click on the search result to zoom in and show the location on the map.
Geolocation (i.e. “Locate Me”)
Click the “crosshairs” icon in the upper right. Make sure your location services are enabled, and you may have to accept a popup to allow the map to use your location services. Different devices and browsers handle this differently. Some will use the actual location from your phone or computer GPS, others will determine your approximate location from your internet provider and other sources.
Adding or Removing Layers
Click on the “layers” icon in the upper left. You can toggle the forecast zone boundaries and avalanche danger color shading. You can also add or remove layers for local placenames and weather stations. Clicking the weather station icon will open the latest weather station data in a new tab.
Choose Map Baselayer
You can select weather you want a terrain or satellite baselayer using the selector at the bottom left.
Downloading the Forecast Zone Boundaries
From the layers menu, you can download the forecast zone boundaries in a KML file. This can be imported into the mapping program of your choice, including Caltopo, Google Earth, and Gaia GPS.