The wind has had its way with the snowpack in the Sawtooths.
Partly cloudy with bands of high stratus. Winds had eased a bit, but still blowing moderate, even down at middle elevations.
Saw a few small pockets of wind slab that had failed in somewhat unusual locations at middle elevations due to ongoing wind event.
Went looking for extent of wind loading from wind event and behavior of 1/27 and 12/11 interfaces. Widespread wind effect was present on nearly all middle and upper elevation slopes. Many slopes had thin to thick, dense slabs on tops while others had been significantly scoured. I saw a few odd middle elevation crowns (both recent and a bit older) that seemed to be related to the wind event. Experienced a few collapses where wind had built dense slabs and one collapse at ~8,800' on south aspect that seemed to collapse at 1/27 interface (MFcr +FC).
Dug at 8,100 on SE aspect, where HS=150cm. ECTXs with hard force down 60cm on 1/27 (MFcr with small, rounding FCsf on top). Structure at 12/11 is still ugly, this thing just won't go away! CPST 28 and 30/120 END down 115-120cm on 12/11. Snow is moist at the ground but still dry at 12/11 interface, though xtals appear to be very slowly rounding.
Presence and unpredictability of recent hard slabs from wind event kept me out of all large, complex avalanche terrain.