While the Avalanche Forecast is the primary tool to help you plan where to go in the backcountry, there are additional resources that many backcountry skiers and riders find helpful. These include field observations, remote weather station data, and weather forecasts – but gathering all this information can be confusing and time-consuming. That’s why the Sawtooth Avalanche Center created the new Trip Planner tool. Now, with a click of the map, you can get all the information you need—in one place—to plan your day in the backcountry.
To use the Trip Planner, search for or click a location on the map on our home page (make sure the Trip Planner option is toggled). This will open the Trip Planner page with all the information you need to plan your day: the relevant Avalanche Forecast, nearby Observations (Field Reports, Avalanches, Weather Stations, Photos), and a point weather forecast. You can change the name of the point and bookmark it to use again another day.