The day started with thin, high clouds covering good portions of the sky. This limited solar input for the first few hours of the day. Skies became clearer by mid-morning. Winds were calm. Sky cover increased around 1200-1300, with thinly overcast skies observed through most of the afternoon in the Sawtooth valley.
Observed some small wet loose activity in the Boulders, most was likely from previous days. There was one D1.5 between Lightning and Lorenzos, not sure on timing on that, started on SE at 10,500'. Also observed a small (D1) wet slab near Galena Summit (on Verlon's, the path near the Titus Lake summer TH). This failed on a SE-facing slope at 9,000'. Didn't get a great look at this, crown looked in the 20-30cm range but fairly low confidence on that. I didn't see this yesterday afternoon when I drove by around 1500, but I could have missed it. There appears to be a ski track associated with it, but my vantage point was pretty bad.
Solid freeze at the surface (8-10cm thick crust) with lots of mush below. The surface of the crusts were softening with an hour or less of sunshine, but they were still supportable. Surfaces on due north were softening with ambient temperatures by noon.