Late afternoon weather obs: Cloud cover increased in afternoon, mild and warm in the sun. Calm winds at ridgetops. Some S-1 squalls moving through from the NW at sunset. On drive back south there was lots of thick fog, and visible water droplets hanging in the air.
We built a lot of crusts today. Widespread roller-balling in steep terrain, and 1 D1 surficial wet loose. Today's crust seemed to extend further around the rose than our previous crusts, which makes sense given sun angle, ambient temps, and lack of air movement. In some places this was a RadRx crust, in others just a simple MFcr. I encountered some of these crusts as they were cooling, and its always harder to figure out how they will look before they cool. That said, these looked and behaved like they could make a "good" weak layer. I'll be interested to see if we add some SH on top tonight or some sort of weirdness from the fog banks.
There is a lot of complexity in the upper snowpack and a lot of variability across the region. We are adding to that complexity in the lead-up to continuing loading in the coming days.