The storm underproduced forecasted amounts. Although it was windy at exposed middle elevations, no newer wind drifts were forming. Stability tests produced propagation on both shady and sunny slopes.
Light snowfall occurred most of the day, with a brief lull in the middle. The skies had short periods of some blue skies, but they remained overcast for much of the day. The winds blew moderately out of the southeast in the morning and switched to the northwest in the afternoon.
A northeast snow pit at 8,300' revealed buried surface hoar (1/5) down 45cm. Large column tests showed mixed results on this layer: ECTP32 and 33, ECTN28, PST 25/100 (End). A 3 cm thick layer of faceted snow down 20cm is worth keeping track of if a slab builds.
A south-facing snow pit at 9000' showed a thin snowpack of 75-100cm. An extended column test produced ECTP11, 15, 25 on a greasy layer of 2mm facets down 25cm atop a firm crust. Last week's cold weather likely faceted this layer. A stout melt-freeze crust (9cm thick) sits over this weak layer.
Problem | Location | Distribution | Sensitivity | Size | Comments |
Persistent Slab |
Comments: Rose reflects terrain observed today. |
The buried surface hoar problem remains on my mind in shady, sheltered slopes with terrain traps over 35 degrees.
We skied small slopes of terrain less than 34*.